This is quite the original concept you have created there! I love the dark sarcasm :D Rock on!.
Great site! If I only stumbled upon it a few weeks ago. I love being the jerk lol.
Funny and cool website! Your posts are interesting along with the pictures.. really good.. .
a very cool site teaching how to be cool jerks. quite weird yet unique
Great blog. Very well written. Loved your topics. Quite humorous. Liked one in particular, "THE ART AND SCIENCE OF STARTING SMALL". Funny Picture! Loved the site presentation. Content loads fast too. Keep up the good work and all the very best to you. Am adding your blog to my favorites so that I can visit back!.
A laugh a minute!Pearls of wisdom for the budding fantacist!
As a woman I enjoyed reading this. It's great to see how men think and how they think we think. Great blog..
I was surprised when I got to your blog, I thought I would be reading what other GUYS have written about advice to get/pickup women. But this is a funny, interesting read. I liked it and am bookmarking it -
Very funny site with lots of great information on being a jerk. Helps us ladies know more about jerks as well.
Haha! I love the approach you've taken with this site -- informative and TRUE! I'm ready to take a few jerk lessons and I know just the site that's going to help me out ;).
Nice site. Good design. Half tempted to post a link to this site from my site. A lot of our users could use this advice :)
Absolutely awesome blog with lots of cool content. It'll be fun learning how to be a "cool jerk". Great job!.
Wow! the opposite of love is disinterest. There is so much content in this site about developing self confidence and being successful it is just sick. I like how its couched as satire, but this blog is very well put together and held my interest..
Very interesting site about teaching men to be a cool jerk. Check it out if you don't know how to receive treats from women. .
This is a great site for clueless guys like myself. One would only hope that they gave classes in how to do better with the opposite sex early onin life but this site will enable you, the clueless male, to play catch up..
Wow what a unique concept for a web page. Everyman needs to visit here to learn how to cultivate his "inner jerk"
Being a woman, I was a little worried what I was going to find in the contents of your site. I was pleasantly surprised.You have some great information! .
Interesting self help type site, clean loading and well put together with a good pictures/text ratio. I laughed when I saw in your archive "How to accept threats from a woman" and realised I'd misread treats as threats..
Lots of good reading available on this site. The article "IN THE DEFENSE OF THE PLAYBOYS" was interesting:) Best of luck to you!
I loved it!!! What a laugh. Very well presented and produced and the content still has me laughing. Well done and good luck..
Absolutely a brilliant concept!!!! I love it!!! If you can put more content on you site, you have the formula for a very successful site that will generate great amounts of traffic. Whether you do it as tongue in cheek or the real thing your site should generate publicity if you promote it.
This site's pretty awesome, and it defends a point of view that gets too little play, in my opinion. Obviously, it's funny, even if it is sometimes too obvious -- the recent post about why guys would want to juggle women, for example. My main complaint is that the general look of it is kinda tacky without adding to the humor. Like, I dunno. I wish it LOOKED classier. The illustrations and what-not give it a kindof MAD Magazine feel, and it'd be more appropriate if it had a more Details, GQ, or Maxim look, I think. Just sayin. Nice stuff, though..

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