If we examine it carefully, pickup lines communicate two things about its user. First, it communicates that he has to use cheesy and tacky lines to get the attention of the girl instead of just presenting himself. It communicates that his usual self is not enough for the girl to be interested. It is almost written to his forehead, “I cannot pick you up with my old usual self so I am using these cheesy lines.” Secondly, it shows that you are immediately attracted to the girl without the girl exerting any effort to the conversation. It says that you are a man who only looks for physical qualities. You are not naturally screening because you are not used to in being with these kinds of people.
On the other hand, openers radiate more positivity when you use them. It shows that you are comfortable with your self. Whether you are asking for a direction or saying a simple ‘Hi,’ it communicates that you are confident to what you really are. You are confident to ask a question or just drop a plain ‘Hi’ to a complete stranger. Aside from that, it also says that though you are interested with the person (since you open the conversation), you are not that interested’ because you don’t compliment them right away or invent some cheesy lines just for them. It is written in your forehead, “It seems that you are interesting, I want to give you a shot, if we have a good chemistry maybe we can work things out’.
Of course you will ask, what is the best opener? The best opener is this,
“Tap him/her on the shoulder and say Hi!”
That is a basic move that can be used to almost all social environments and situations. Tapping her is necessary because it immediately get his/her attention. How many times it happened to you that when you say ‘Hi’, the other person is not bothered to look at you since they don’t know if you are talking to them? The ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’ part is basic and stock. It shows that you want to talk. Tapping without saying anything spells CREEPY.
This kind of opening may sound plain and bland to many people. However most of the time, the best things are the simplest and the most overlooked. If you cannot walk by and introduced yourself directly, it can say a million things about you and will give you a hint that there is work to be done in yourself.
So go out there and do some tap tap!
search phrases: cheesy pickup lines, line pickup, pickup lines, opener, universal opener, woman opener, handling conversations
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