Jun 30, 2009

Why Women Love Married Men?

Understanding the Effect of Being Taken is Understanding Preselection

ghost of past girlfriendsMy answer to why women love unavailable men: PRESELECTION


In the majority of Pickup Modern Literature, PRESELECTION or being preselected (by other women or even men) is one of the core characteristics of an attractive male. It was adopted by different Social Dynamics guru and instructors as one of the few characteristics that we must possess or at least must be portrayed that we possess in order to be attractive to the opposite sex. For many students of this endeavour, this element almost become a dogma that we are ought to accept unconditionally due to its high level of self evidence. However, in my case, as a student of philosophy and social dynamics and at the same time a pickup artist, I would like to explain why and how this is the case. I do believe that in understanding this concept (in contrast of just believing) will amplify the necessity of conveying this particular characteristic.



As a specie, we, humans managed to achieve our current level of technology and innovation through our natural urge to conserve energy as much as possible. We do this in our everyday life. Humans, are by nature LAZY. We like to exert the least amount of effort in accomplishing things. We prefer to ride a vehicle than to walk. We tend to use a computer for typing purposes rather than hand writing. We build robots and machine for us to rest and sleep while they do the dirty work.
This same concept applies almost exactly in pickup, or dating, in a manner of speaking. The same human mind and human urge had lead women to be attracted or at least to prefer a pre-selected man rather than a non preselected man. A man with two women on his arms, with the women laughing with his jokes and bombarding him with different indications of interest is preferred in contrast with a lonely man who hysterically cries the whole day on the dark corner of his room holding a blade and wearing black shirts and tight pants with silly one sided hair styles and have black stuff on their eyes. This is because of one thing.. Preselection.


It communicates all things. A woman will think, ‘If those [good looking women] are attracted to him, maybe there is something that is significant with him.’ Preselection subcommunicates that you have something of value to offer to a woman. It could be your riches, your job, your outlook in life, your attitude, your beliefs or even your skill in the bedroom. She does not need to know you for a month or even a year to know that value. She instinctively trusts the opinion and the judgment of other women who already chose you. She knows deep within, unconsciously, that you are something of value.

And this relates to our first point, HUMANS ARE BY NATURE LAZY. Preselection is a viable mode of criteria in cutting the red tapes of knowing a man of great value.



Before, I thought that ‘love’ is unfair. Why does it happen that some few men have that X factor that enables them to have every woman that they like [even the women they don’t like]? And why others [the majority of men] end up with no one. Though there are many factors that play in here, I do believe that PRESELECTION plays a major role in this phenomenon of human nature. It is the same as the domino effect, if you manage to tap the first one, consider the rest as done.




search phrases: Why Women Love Married Men, Why Women Love Unavailable Men, preselection, the effect of being taken, Why Women Love Married Men

About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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