Jul 4, 2009



As of the moment I am  watching [and downloading] Adam Sandler's films. Yes. All. ALL OF IT. From Anger Management up to the Zohan [alphabetical consideration, not chronological]. Apparently for some strange and weird fluke, I accidentally downloaded again his 2006 film, 'CLICK' which I have watched already. And I have to say that I liked it. I mixed up to it instead of downloading 'Eight Crazy Nights' leaving me a strange choice but to watch Click again because I have to download the other film for another 4 hours, considering my download speed for that torrent only averages 40 kbps.


I don't believe in accidents. No matter how cheesy and cliche it may sound but 'Everything happens for a reason.' I really believe that. And so I am here again, lying in my bed for another one and a half hour finding the reason for this particular mix up of downloads.. watching CLICK again.


Back to our title, What does Click teaches us about life or more specifically what it teaches us about Pick up?


Click-adam-sandler-203758_485_323DESTINATION VS JOURNEY


In the film it was portrayed clearly how the universal remote control can be use by Sandler for him to easily reach his desired state or condition in the future, whether it is getting well from a cold, his promotion in his job and even her love making with his hot wife [Kate Beckinsale]. With the use of the remote, the entire process of drinking medicine, working at night down in his basement and his necessary massage for his wife was skipped with the use of the device. With a click in the remote, KABOOM, he found himself right there, wherever  and whenever he wanted to find himself to be.


With this process, we clearly saw how the remote control ruined Sandler's life. He missed many things in his life and destroyed vital chapters of it. In the end, as he stand and sit in the glory of his desired state and condition, he does not find himself to be happy. He did not find happiness in the things in which he thought to find happiness. And even worse, he let go of the things that give him happiness before in the pursuit of the things that he thought will make him happier.


How does this relate to pick up?


Most of us guys may think that after we have read Strauss' The Game how wonderful it would be if we can wake up in the next morning armed with all the skills to pickup any woman we desire. That when we see our cellphone, dozens of voicemails and text messages are waiting from our HB's. Outside our house, a line of women are waiting wishing to themselves to be our girlfriend. How wonderful is that? And by the way, did I nail it?


I don't exactly know what is the best way to put this into words but in reality, after you have reach your desired goal after a long hard work, you will ask yourself, This is it? This is what I worked for those couple of years? It is not as sweet as it I thought it to be. I find myself in this situation most of the time. Why then?


This is because happiness does not completely hail in our destination.

(260908152922)Kate And AdamThe journey that we took to be a successful pickup artist, the crash and burn you have experienced, the time you spent procrastinating for your next approach, for the hours you have spent rehearsing and reading your materials is not a work. It should not to be treated as a work, or even as a sacrifice in which you have to go through to reach what you are aspiring for. Happiness does not totally reside in having your goal accomplished, it is experienced within the long process of attaining it, the company of friends you gained in the community, the first time you get a free drink from your set, your first kiss close, your first lay and even bad things like your wrecked sets, how an AMOG dispatches you out of the set or even a slap in your face because you neg your target too much make up your happiness. These are the things that when you look back, when you remember them, you will find your self smiling, saying your self how amazing your journey is.


As the old saying will say..


The pleasure of the hunt is on the chase.


Remember your highschool graduation. I am assuming here that you cried during your graduation day as your graduation song is being played. Just kidding, or maybe not. Do you think your graduation day will matter to you so much if you just graduated right away in highschool after finishing your elementary? No, I bet no one would say so. Or is there one?


There is a process. There is a common process that we all to go through in our journey as a PUA. And this process is meant to be enjoyed and to be cherished, never treating it as a sacrifice but rather as an enjoyable process towards our destination. A destination that will only mean so much to us after the long, tough and enjoyable process we have been through.


Remember, there is no Universal Remote Control for our PUA Journey, and even there is one, I would bet you will not use it. [And by the way, I think I found the reason why I re-watched Click.]


For me to be able to write this. Keep it light men!





About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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