Dec 11, 2009


Let us admit it. Everyone of us dreams big.

We dream of a mansion. We dream of numerous affairs. We dream of a super fit and super toned body. We dream of owning a big business.

Ooops. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against dreaming big. However, a common pit hole for us in dreaming big is this --- starting big.

How many times that every time we dream big and therefore started big is we end up worst than we started.

Take for example. we decided that we are aiming for a more muscular and more toned body in the next 6 months. We layout our plans. We shall wake up early everyday to run or jog for an hour. On the same day, we are also going to the gym for a work out. At the same time we are also shifting to a more balanced and healthier diet totally disregarding any kind of junk food or any unhealthy food.

One week had passed and we managed to complete the schedule. We ran and workout for 6 straight days and we successfully shift to a healthier and balanced diet.
However you are so tired and exhausted that make your next week quite a setback. As a result, instead of running and working out for 6 straight days, you only had 2 days for both running and workout. Your diet also suffered a setback. You stumbled in the refrigerator your favorite potato chips. You ate it.

On the next week. You feel so depressed for not making your necessary routines. You feel so depressed that you thought that this is going nowhere.

Results. You thought that your plan is going nowhere and you ended up 5 lbs heavier than before.
In my observation to both my self and to other people, this scenario is very common to each one of us. Not limiting to diet and exercise, it extends to other parts of life, your study habits, your work habits, your training, and so on, name it.

As I said, the problem is not from dreaming big. Some people prefer not imagining or aiming for jackpot, as they say, 'Don’t shoot yourself to death on to the moon.” I beg to disagree. Dreaming big is an attitude for success. To stop dreaming is to stop growing.

We human have this mentality of instantaneous self gratification. The moment we dream of  something, we layout the easiest route to attain it. Out of emotion and desire to attain what we want, we maximize our time to attain our goal up to the point of making a next to impossible schedule. Take our above example, working out and running for 6 days a week and complete shifting to a healthy and junk-free diet is a load of work for someone who was not used to in that life style. From having zero exercise and being used to fast food and unhealthy foods and completely shifting to a fully booked workout routines and healthy meal plans is something next to impossible. This quick fix, or quickest way of attaining your goal which is also a derivative of instant self gratification violate one of the most basic operation of human psyche – GRADUALISM.


Gradualism is a doctrine that ranges from politics, psychology and to the sciences. It basically mean one thing, changes occur in a slow and discrete process rather than powerful and fast changes and process.
The human mind and body is comparable to a rubber band. The moment we stretch it big time, only two things will happen, either it will snap back to its original shape or worst, it will break. Neither of those two is good for someone who badly wants a positive change.
Though I do not discount the reality that there are really instances that is brought by fast and drastic changes, I believe that the best and longer lasting change is brought by a gradual and discrete process. There is a cliché knocking in my head right now, “Easy come, Easy gone.”


What should we do now after hearing this? This is what I do and as of this moment, producing results. The moment you have a goal or dream and started to work on it, see it not as a chore that you have to do every single day. Rather see it as an activity that you can do whenever you like that can bring you fun and excitement. Instead of doing it 7 time a day, why not do it 2 times a week or even once a week. This enable you to see and treat each instance of it as a fun and excitement rather than boredom and frustration.
Some of you will ask, at that rate of 2 times a week, I am going no where and if I am to reach it, it will take forever! My answer is this, I never told that you will stop at that particular rate. What I am saying is start from there, as the title of this article would say, start small. And as you start from something small you can have something big at the end with much less drawback and setback.

Till next time! Keep it light men!


About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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