Dec 31, 2009


If I were to ask you a question, what is the opposite of Love, what would you say? Is it HATE?

No. I am sorry but you are wrong. Hate is not the opposite Love. Then if it is not hate, what is the opposite of Love. Here is the answer.


Yes. The opposite of love is indifference.

Many men are afraid to take a jerk attitude (i.e. audacity and self-centeredness) because they are afraid for people hating them. For them the moment they are hated, it is impossible for people to love them. They don’t acknowledge the reality that love goes hand in hand by hate. As my friend would say, ‘Haters are confused admirers.’

Not convinced yet? Play this in your mind.

  • In your younger days in school, how many times does it happened that someone hated you so much ended as boyfriend/girlfriend of yours.
  • How many time does it happened to you that you go back to a relationship to someone you hated because of their history of cheating to you.
  • In politics, How many times does it happen that a person hated by many won a position in an election?

    In attraction, it does not matter whether love or hate is being focused to a person. As long as something is emitted, it is a good thing. Attraction is not a matter of ‘living happily ever after out of love’ but rather a game of psychology wherein different memories occupy the mind, whether good or bad memories.

    See, hate is not the anti-matter of love but rather  comparable to a yeast in a bread which makes the dough grow bigger and bigger.

    A cliché now makes more sense. The more you hate, the more you love.
    Then what should I do after knowing that Hate is not the enemy.
    1. Do things that will amuse you whatever it is.
    2. Be audacious and bold.
    3. Be self-centered once in a while.
    4. Tease. Tease. Tease.
    5. Steal some kiss!

    Though I don’t really care about people hating me most of the time, I would say that there is healthy level of hate that is tolerable to be focused on you. Bear that in mind as a jerk. In everything there is always an extreme. Just play with it. I suggest you drink a mix of the extremes and not the extreme. Too much hate leads to two kinds of persons…

    A-holes and SOBs.

    Till next time! Keep it light men!




    search phrases: the opposite of love, the opposites of love, the opposite of love disinterest, opposite of love, the opposite of love is

    About The Author
    The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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