Jan 30, 2010

5 Tips on How to be Better with Women than Before

 How to be Better with Women than Before

How to be Better with Women than Before???

Harv Eker once said that if you want to be healthy, you study health and if you want to be wealthy, you study wealth. I say that if you want to be good with women than before, then study women. It is sad that most people do not recognize this wisdom. They believe that if they have health and wealth, a good relationship with the opposite sex will follow. We must take note that the acquisition of these things requires different set of skills therefore need different kinds of knowledge and approaches. Also, dating is a like a muscle. It grows big when you train it and it shrink when you don’t use it.  Below I will teach some of the things that can increase your dating skills


Be good with people in general

The best people in the dating scene are the one who are good with people in general. It just make sense that the more your friends and acquaintance are, the better you will land with one of them as a romantic partner. On the other hand, people with a very little social circle tend to have fewer options in having a relationship. When you are good with people in general it is like having a shop in the main avenue of the downtown compared to having a shop in the middle of the forest. Put yourself out there!


Study Seduction

No matter how many people you know, it is still possible that you will not land to a partner. This is because it is possible that you are doing the same ‘dating’ mistake again and again with every potential partner that you know. In getting better with women than before, there are real do’s and don’ts that you must keep in mind. Read books. Learn from your friends. Model yourself to successful daters.


Go out

I always say this, go out. How can you make yourself available to the looking single out there if you are stuck in your room? Go out. Whether it is a club or a bookstore that you are comfortable to, go there. Who will buy an item in the warehouse anyway?


How to be Better with Women than Before 2Seek actively, Learn to approach

This is big! Don't be a passive person who is always waiting for the one. If you found a stranger to be attractive, find a way to introduce yourself to know him/her. You can go there directly introducing yourself out of nowhere or you can be a little fuzzy by doing some kind of tactic based approach. It doesn't matter. Take a chance. Remember that luck favors the bold!


Ask for Help

There are many companies out there that are offering their service to help you enhance your social skills and romantic intelligence. Don't be afraid to consult them. Most of these people are former socially deprived but found a way to revolutionize their selves. They know what you are going through. They can help you.



As we the title would say, dating is a skill. Treating dating as a skill means one thing, it can be improved through constant practice and repetition. It is funny sometimes that many people are whining about not having a partner while they are not doing anything to have one or if ever they are doing something, they are doing the wrong thing. This is why it is important to study this endeavor. It gives you a tremendous advantage in winning the dating game!

That is how to be better with women than before!






search phrases: How to be Better with Women than Before, be better with women, Dating skills, dating tips, how to be good with women, better with girls, better with women, get better with women, better than women, better than women before

About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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