You wonder what is the building force that erected the greatest pyramids of Egypt? You wonder what is the single most important factor that made Lee Kuan Yew to industrialize Singapore? You wonder what keeps me writing this blog even without getting any material in return? The answer is this… MOTIVATION
Motivation was and will always be the element that will stand behind every greatest achievement of humankind. Whether it is personal success or communal achievement, motivation is the biggest corner stone in attaining it. It does not matter who you are or where you came from, as long as the motivation lies and resides in you, great things are not difficult to achieve.
Wait. I said motivation lies to each one of us, if that is true, how come all of us are not successful?
Good question.
All of us felt motivated in one way or another. All of us. It does not matter who you are. It does not matter how old you are. It does not matter whether you are a black, a brown or a beige, all of us had felt the magic of motivation. Going back to the question, if that is true, why only few people are successful.
The answer is simple.
Because only few managed to keep their motivation. Zig Ziglar once said, “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily”
Getting motivated is natural to every human being, however keeping that motivation and holding on to it is another story. In this article we will tackle how to keep our motivations to accompany us in reaching our goals.
Newton’s first law of motion says that, ‘an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stay at rest unless acted by an external force’. Most of the time, motivation does not come inside you but outside of you. The people that you associate, the books that you read, the TV shows that you watched, these are the things that makes you motivated. The trick is to continue associating and exposing yourself with these kind of elements. Whether it is Zig Ziglar or Brian Tracy playing in your car or reading a Paolo Coelho's novel before going to sleep, it doesn’t matter. As long as you expose yourself with the right people and right materials, your motivation will keep rolling and growing inside you.
Pick a quote from my attached PDF, write in a big piece of paper and post it somewhere in your wall.
It is always said that, ‘Birds of the same feathers flock together’. In our case, we say, ‘Birds of the same negative feathers make a good feather duster. We often see how ‘winners and famous’ in school form groups and peer groups. Unfortunately, losers also form the same congregation. They are like drops of water crystallizing, forming the loser crystals (aka chode crystal, RSD).
Try and learn to associate and befriend your self with people you want to be and the people you admire. You will find your self to be motivated almost every time your are with these people. In fact, motivation is almost automatic when you are with them. Later on, it is almost impossible that you will not adopt the same behaviors that they have (hopefully the positive).
Honestly I cannot explain the mechanics of why this works and continue to work. I just know that it works. There was a study in one premiere university in the US that only 3% of the population keep a written account of their goals in life. Does the small portion ring something in your head? That is 3 for every one hundred or 1 for every thirty. Now you still wonder why there is only one boss for tens or even hundreds of workers?
Do this. Get a paper and a pen. Write your goals. It does not matter how silly or unachievable that goal is, just write it. Then put a date. Be ready to see wonders.
This is in connection with the previous pointer, writing your goal. The case with some people is when they did not achieve their goals for the date that they had written, they throw out everything, together with their dreams and goals. Why? Because they treat those numbers (dates) as expiration periods rather than deadlines.
If you think of it literally, when you see a product or food that is expired, you throw it away, isn’t it? You don’t make some excuses to eat or consume it, you just put it straight to the trash can (or you do?). That is because the date is an expiration date, by definition and regulation, expired products or goods should not be consumed. However in case of deadlines, what do you do if you run out of time in your papers? You already written 60% of your content. Will you stop writing because you reached the deadline? Most of the time you don’t. What you do in many cases is you finish the work as soon as you can and you beg for your teacher to accept and grade it.
You notice a difference?
Simple. Expiration thinking does not lead to anything fruitful but a deadline thinking will push you to finish what you had started. Make sense. Hell yeah. As they say, “Better late than never.”
It is now proven that your body affects your emotions as much as emotions affect your body. That is why many professional advised that when you are feeling down, bored and clumsy, you must paint your face with the biggest smile you can have while saying I FEEL TERRIFIC. And since there is a connection between the mind and the body, it is no wonder that you can make yourself happy by doing this.
Now what you need to do is to invent a mantra that will help you in feeling motivated. Make it in present tense, make it brief and make it cool.
See this video for more.
Most of the time, Motivation is everything that you need. Motivation have the wonderful power to create and develop things. All you have to do is tap it and keep it inside you. The choice is yours, whether you want to succeed or to fail. As Wayne Dyer said, “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.”
Keep it light!
search phrases: D motivation, motivation, how to be motivated, be motivated, how to become motivated, how to get motivated, how to keep motivated, zig ziglar, brian tracy quotes, brian tracy, zig ziglar quotes
Once again I am inclined to agree with the cool jerkz! My motto: If your gonna be a jerk, be a sensitive jerk.
Glad to hear you are a fellow jerk XD
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