Jan 3, 2010


A short post to clear doubts and questions for my faithful readers this time.

In my past articles, I always mentioned the role of value in attracting people most especially  women. Below are three main classification of value that we men can provide. However, we must take note that these values are not equal in terms of priorities since every women are different in their orientations and conditioning.

early man

 Survival of Women and Children

A product of our primitive brain. No doubt that in primitive times, men are necessary in the protection of females and in providing food and lodging for his family. Women are not allowed to work and considered to be physically weak in times of war and violence. Due to the long era we spent in this kind of situation, almost all men today still act in this manner.

Our primitive brain still convince us that this is the way to go. They work to earn money to provide the needs and wants of the women. However in our times or era, this kind of value is slowly taking a sidestep due to the revolution of our civilization and way of life.

Women are now allowed to work with equal or almost equal compensation as to the men. We are no longer living in a society of violence wherein there are no laws and codes that protect women and children. In this respect men do not monopolize the value for the survival of women and survival of children anymore. This make this particular value to lose its edge in terms of attracting the opposite sex at least with women who are well off and/or living in the developed nations.

What does it leave us? Below are the two values that I believe we men have still the edge to provide.

Good Emotion and Good Genes.

In my next post we shall take a closer look to these two values that are fundamental in male-female dynamics.

Till next time! Keep it light!


search phrases: what attracts a woman, survival of women, sexual revolution, RSD Value, women working, female workers, survival and replication, good emotions

About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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