Ok! I am not done with the last part of the RSD Blueprint Review. Its taking longer than the usual. However let me share you an interesting piece of knowledge I just stumbled today, the ladder theory and its effects on gender relationships.
How will you really know if a car will take a turn? Is it if its tail light starts blinking or when the driver puts out his hand signaling you?
The answer is this. You will know if the car will turn if it really turns! The Ladder Theory is like this. It is the analysis of social dynamics and gender relationships to what it is really is. It tells beyond what a man or a woman will say but rather what they really do in the very first place.
It’s not long since I stumbled the ladder theory by Dallas Lynn and Jared Whitson. Though it is somehow presented as a comical and satirical from where I read, it is really a product of years of field testing and experimentation.
Summing it up, these are the most fundamental and basic points of the ladder theory.
- When boy meets girl (men, women) each of them falls to a ladder system with universal sex-varied standards.
- Just like a ladder, it has a level system. Going upward the ladder means you are increasing your level. Going down is of course degradation. Too much fall to the ladder will bring you the ‘abyss’ aka disinterest zone.
- Boys and girls have different rating system.
- For girls, the factors are money and power (50%), attraction, looks, preselection (40%) and others (10%).
- For boys, the factors are looks (60%), his rejection factor (30%) and others (10%).
- Boys have one ladder. Girls have two.
- Boys’ ladder is determined to how much he wants to sleep with the girl. Girls’ ladder are two types, (1) how want much she is willing to sleep with the guy (2) how much she want to befriend the guy
- When you are classified to a ladder it is difficult to get out.
- What I mentioned here are only the basics of the ladder theory. There is more in to it if you just study it. The ladder theory is an alternative to how we see and interpret our interaction to the opposite sex. As you read it, most of the times, it hurts, however you cannot deny the nodding that you give despite the pain that it brought you as you read it.
Last thing, though we can’t deny its truth in many aspects, the ladder theory and its effects on gender relationships is just like anything else. It is just a model of reality. It is not the reality per se. So before you jump to it and hug all of its belief system and doctrines, think and reflect first. Ask yourself this question, “Will this belief system serve me?” Beliefs are tools anyway!
search phrases: ladder theory, the ladder theory, gender communication differences, gender differences, gender roles, gender relationships, dallas lynn,
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