The second part of my review will deal with what I will consider the second level of studying pickup and seduction. Tyler Durden here explained the insights inside the insights. If we think of it, the pickup itself is a revolutionary way of interpreting the real social dynamics. Common notions that we learn at start are the importance of confidence, routines etc. In fact it, already seems sometimes that we are playing and living in an alternative world comparable to a matrix due to the insights and knowledge you know that a normal guy does not know. Tyler however step up one level further, he provided insights to already revolutionary way of doing things. Below are some of the insights that he provided that I believe will help you in patching some of the gaps in the development of both newbies and experienced students.
You Don’t Have to be Confident.. You have to be Indifferent
Almost all pickup gurus will tell to his student to be confident and of course, the student will ‘try’ to be confident as much as possible. However, we know that this is not as easy as it sounds. You cannot make somebody confident by a snap of your finger or by motivational words you utter. If we examine it carefully, you can only gain confidence in a particular action or thing by understanding and experiencing it by yourself. The approach for example, the only moment you will become really be confident in approaching women is when you really gather the reference experiences that when you do approach a girl, it will work. Either you will have some success with her or at least he will not reject you in the face. However, as a newbie, you lack the skill set to pull out some success in your work. This is because you lack the confidence and as we said you can only gain confidence thru the success you will gain. See the dilemma? It’s a viscous cycle. It’s what we called, the Newbie’s paradox.
There is a cure for the newbie’s paradox however and it is this, indifference. Indifference is the only character that can break you of the newbie paradox. When you approach, there is a good chance that you will be rejected or at least you will not close anything since you lack the skill set. If you are not indifferent to the approach and you hail too much to the emotions of your failure, you will not go anywhere. You will even go tired in doing anything. However, if you are indifferent to your approach and you just go in there something will come up. Bang ,bang , bang until you hit something wonderful, something that will click. It is called the indifference threshold. As you hit this indifference threshold, people will be pulled to you since you are radiating a very powerful aura of self amusement and indifference to the outcome. As people are pulled towards you, you will gather the reference experiences that will give you the self esteem and self confidence that you need. Summing it up as Tyler would say, “THE HALF WAY POINT BETWEEN TOTAL BELIEF AND ANXIETY IS INDIFFERENCE.”
This part is one of the most unique concept of Blueprint in the seduction’s collection of ideas. The Ego that he is talking here is the epidemic that is spreading to the students of seduction and pickup (even to the entire humanity). The function of the ego is simple, it is a quest for yourself to feel good when you by yourself cannot generate good feelings by yourself (self esteem) The Ego can be described as a shell that is protecting a person against the social pressure outside him. If we think of it most of the students of pickup came from a history of having a sheltered social life and a desolated childhood. As they learn the art, they invent and surround their selves with artificial shields and barrier. A delineation is formed, the us and them. It almost separate you to the entire humanity since you know something that they don’t. This is because ego is separateness and all about differences. You have to separate yourself and differentiate to the other people just for you to feel good.
Is this bad? It seems not bad after all.
Yes it’s bad. The feeling good factor that is brought by the ego is like a drug. It is addictive and always pushes for more. It is almost your ego has a feeding frenzy in gathering the reference experiences that it need to generate happiness. Additionally, as you gather these references experiences, you have to bring down people. It is either you bring them down literally or bring them down in your mind since you need to prove to yourself that you are better and greater for you to be able to feel good.
Where shall you run to now?
As we said, the sought for happiness with the ego in mind is going nowhere. In the end, no matter how far you had travelled or whatever wealth you accumulated are like nothing at all. As long as you rely to ego, you have to continue to look for reference experiences that will lift you up while bringing people down. What is the alternative then? The Self Esteem. Ego sought for happiness outside yourself but in fact you can have happiness by yourself alone. Feeling good is a default state and it should be. You don’t have to hurt or bring down anyone for you just to feel good. You are happy by default. Tyler taught ways to tap to your self esteem; however I cannot discuss it here due to our limitations. But he is saying here one thing that we have to keep in mind. Your ultimate goal is not to look for yourself out there but rather to travel back to yourself to discover how and why you can be happy from within… the real meaning of self esteem.
The Blueprint provided a new wave in the seduction and pickup industry. It is now blurring the line between pure seduction and self development. This is viable in many respects since we can see that people with high self esteem even without studying seduction also win the game in the opposite sex. We can see now how will the next patch of seduction shall be taught, a move from focusing to what you say and what you do to a higher level of simply ‘being.’ Thanks to Tyler.
search phrases: RSD, Real Social Dynamics, Tyler Durden, TD, Owen Cook, Blueprint Decoded: Four Day Total Immersion Advance Identity Level Change, Blueprint, state, value, sarging, clubs, night club, how to pick up women, mystery, mystery method, eric von marcovic, pick up, seduction, self esteem, self confidence, ego, indifference
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