Feb 16, 2010



are you lucky and ready to game

One of the most profound and most famous quotation ever uttered in characterization of Luck and Fortune is when Virgil, the epic Roman poet said that, “Fortune favors the bold.” In Latin it is said as "Fortes fortuna adiuvat." These three words alone can define and predict who will be lucky and how they are lucky.


The message is straight forward. Only the people who dare to take a shot will be given a chance for the accumulation of something bigger. On the other hand, people who are passively waiting will remain waiting forever.


The quote will make sense much more if we see the world that we live in as a big casino. A huge and extravagant casino wherein you can play and win money where ever you go. Opportunities are everywhere. Opportunities are waiting. Beside every possibility of jackpot however, lies also the possibility of loss and being broke. For every chips and token gained, chips and token also fell out of different pockets.


While some people out there are playing and betting for a jackpot, it is noticeable that more people are just contented watching and standing beside the players. While the players are risking everything they have or a part of it, some people are satisfied to enjoy the scenery of triumph of winning and misery of loss of the people who bet. Whatever they have in their pocket, they prefer it to be there, never to grow, never to lose.


The fear of these people who prefer to save whatever they have in their pockets is understandable. In one way or another, you can understand their rationality. However, being successful is breaking to your zone. Going on the top is destroying every limitation you can think of. Acquiring a fortune is pushing to your limits and abandoning your comfort zone.


Fortune and Luck is like a woman, a woman who will prefer going out with a man who will accompany her for a horse ride rather than a man who will simply sit in front of the television all day. Fortune and luck is also the same woman who chooses a man who is persistent rather than a man who easily gives at the first sight of a road block. Fortune and luck is a woman who will choose a bold, adventurous and passionate knight.


Fortune and luck is not really a game of chances, being fortunate and lucky is taking chances.






search phrases: fortune favors the bold,good luck,bad luck,just luck,just my luck,luck

About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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