Happiness is the most sought yet the most defiant of all the goals being aimed by every man. Almost all people spend their entire lives looking at it yet only few managed to attain it.
If there is a product that can ensure anyone who takes it 100% that he or she will be happy, it is not difficult to believe that the product will outsell any product ever manufactured by man. Too bad there is none.
The desire to achieve true happiness had make people to enter relationships with other people. The same desire enabled people to build things and objects that he believe will make him or her happy. The desire for happiness also encourage people to work endlessly for hours and hours just to achieve the money that can buy them happiness or shall help to maintain the relationships they have with other people.
Sadly to say, most of them fail. Most of them fail to achieve happiness despite having relationships with the most wonderful people in the world. Most of them fail to be really happy despite possessing the most powerful and the most interesting things in the world. Most of them still feel sad even possessing the biggest bank accounts anyone can have.
What is the problem? Why can’t people be happy despite the fact that they achieved these things?
The answer lies to the real nature of happiness. Happiness does not reside to the outside world but rather in the inside. Happiness does not belong to the things that you possess and the people that you have but rather to the way you see yourself independently of these things. Happiness is not to be sought from outside, happiness is sought inside.
Do you remember the day that you woke up from your bed with this insatiable feeling of happiness without any explanation and rationality? You just feel happy and you don’t know why and you don’t care why and how. You’re just happy and you are happy being happy.
How was your day for that particular day that you woke up? Isn’t it wonderful? It seems all the events and people that you meet on that day reinforce your happiness. From the moment you drive your car, your arrival to your office, your lunch with your buddies until you got home, everything seems to be perfect. Almost all people had experience this in one way or another because this is the way universe tells us the real nature of happiness.
The universe wants us to be happy. We are just looking in the wrong direction. It is not the things that we possess, it is not the person that we have that can make us happy, only us by ourselves.
The secret of finding and keeping true happiness is this. Feel good inside by yourself and everything else outside will follow with the feeling of happiness you have from within.
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