Feb 12, 2010


 WHAT IS THE HELP OF YOUR BELIEFS 2In many of my articles you may notice that I wrote many times this phrase, "..beliefs are tools anyway.” Today, I will try to expound this topic because I see how beliefs are handled and treated counter-productive by many people.


Warning: This is a bit philosophical.


In my years in the philosophy department, I witnessed how ideas, thoughts and beliefs which tried to mirror reality always ended up dead end or with a lot inconsistencies. Every attempt of universalizing ideas and thoughts have brought many people in ‘ism’ attitude (i.e. racism, Nazism) wherein they separated their selves or their groups to the others who does not think their way but still in the end in the end find their selves in the mistake hole. Their ‘isms’ make them to think lowly of other people, to discriminate them and even to a point of killing them. For what? For an unfounded and flawed set of beliefs.


From these realizations, I find my self more inclined in the pragmatic side of the philosophical tradition in adopting what my stands in every debate. Due to the limitation of the universalizing traditions, I am now more attracted to a way of thinking which does not adopt an idea or a belief that is not founded on the universality of its truth but rather to the utility or service of these believes. These reflect to my perception to other people that I am not judging anyone for adopting a particular belief since I know that in many cases, it serves them.




Beliefs are tools. Stop living to a world wherein beliefs are treated to reflect reality. If you do this, it is almost you are a dog chasing your own tail. You will never catch it since as long as you are moving, it is also moving. What we are battling now are the sets of ideas and beliefs which dominate the human mind, introducing their nature to be universally true but if you examine it correctly, they do not offer any service to its carrier.


Where it this lead us? How is this discussion helpful in your development as a person? Ask yourself the following question.


  • Why do you believe what you believe in now?
  • Where does it came from?
  • Are you benefitting in the beliefs?
  • Are other people benefitting in your beliefs?
  • Do your beliefs help you grow as a person?
  • Do your beliefs offer an unlimited development that you can attain?
  • Are you happy with your beliefs?


These are the question we  are all ought to ask to adopt a belief that is both humanitarian and altruistic.





search phrases:

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About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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Anonymous said...

"Belief is the willingness to act irrevocably."
- William James in his book The Will to Believe and other essays in Popular Philosophy

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