Jan 11, 2010



what women love and why are men jerks


Jerks are drugs. This is the simplest explanation I can provide on the age old question of why many women love jerks. As with drugs, jerks are addictive to be with. No matter how much women and society disgrace jerks, they can’t deny in their actions that they are addicted with these ego centric pricks.  Below are the following commonalities of jerks and drugs.

Can’t get your hands on

Jerks are nearly impossible to be held on their necks. Together with drugs, society always tells us that we must beware of these men. However, they don’t consider a particular character of the human psyche that we humans desire what we cannot hold in our hands. We love things that are prohibited. Our curiosity urges to discover ‘what is’ with these things. This makes us to be intrigued and to be pulled toward these men.
F.J Shark would say, they can’t get their hands on jerks because jerks are moving so quick. People do not buy base on logic. People buy based on emotion and emotion is a product of motion. Jerks know this.

Provider of Pleasure

The drug industry does not have the best sales people in the world yet it is still a growing hundred billion dollar industry. This is because drugs that do not satisfy the modern need to consume but rather taps the very instinct of every individual, a quest for the feeling of pleasure. Jerks most of the time have the monopoly of pleasure. They have the monopoly for high intense feelings. They know the ins and outs of providing this kind of feelings. This make people to want them, this make them to able to charge any price for their service. Unfortunately, they are even allowed even the change for physical abuse and emotional rape.

Taste of Danger 


Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!” A teaspoon of danger makes us feel that we are alive. Danger helps us to break in the boring routine of our daily life. It makes us feel that beyond our expectations and comfort zone, something is there to discover. Jerks are dangerous and this in fact makes them attractive at least in the short term. The more they live to the extreme, the more we tend to like them.


These are the characteristics that make a jerk able to close the deal easily with a woman. Physical and emotional abuses are not necessary. It just happened that self centered people possess these irresistible characteristics making them able to price anything they want in exchange of their company. It is sad to know that most of the time they have the monopoly of these feelings without having any competition with nice guys. They are drugs with the monopoly of the intense sensation making you succumb to their bad side effects.

The good news is you can able to attract a woman without the abusive characteristics of jerks. What makes them attracted to jerks are the characteristics I mentioned above. Adopt them, study them, become them and I assure you that in no time, you will have the pulling power of jerks, without the abuse!





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About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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