Jan 9, 2010


dasting In case you don’t know what dasting is, let me define you what dasting is. Dasting is dating in a non-continous manner. It is a relationship with a switch, an off and on button. It is like having an on call job. You don’t know you are going to work or when you are going to stay at home.

Dasting taps one of the most fundamental elements of attraction. What is that?


Though some us would agree that emotion is a very important factor in entering relationship, I believe only few of us can really tell us what is this thatwe referred as emotion.

In NLP and hypnosis, emotion is said to come from two words: Energy and Motion. Therefore, emotions are energy in motion. Emotions are not static. The pleasure of emotions comes from it dynamics. How many times we found ourselves to be attracted to people who bring us mix feelings of emotions. It could be little waves of excitement and joy and followed up by some bits of frustration and jealousness. On the other hand, how many times we stop ‘loving’ someone who is stacked with his own routine in life. How many times we grew tired to date someone who is predictable and too easy. It is in our very nature to be focus on growth or even deprivation. As long as something is moving, we tend to focus on it and as long as the law of attraction is concerned, we attract what we focus on.

As I said, dasting taps this little known desire of human beings. Dasting offers a ride in a roller coaster rather than an everyday ride in a community vehicle. When you are dasting, there is a feeling of uneasiness inside you. Even you are enjoying the relationship; you don’t know when it will end. Same thing happens when you broke up; there is also a feeling of excitement and uneasiness to when and how you will be together again. These feelings fuel up some people’s inclination to dasting. When compared to dating, dasting offers more excitement and thrill to relationships.

However in a bigger picture, dasting is somehow defeated by its own definition. What will happen for example if every day you ride a roller coaster? Will you go tired? Will you get the same feeling as riding a public train? I would say yes. This could be the reason why some people say, “I’m tired of him/her! It seems we are not going anywhere!” Afterwards, he/she will a find a stable relationship. After a year or two, he/she would say, “I’m tired of him/her, it seems that we are stacked and not growing.”

Crazy, isn’t it? Oh well, that is another definition of emotions, CRAZY.



About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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Anonymous said...

i dont know how to pronounce dasting. is it like tasting or is it pronounced like fasting? this is a nice post though. keep it up buddy.

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