Jan 7, 2010

In the Defense of Playboys

juggle women If you have an itch to chase girl after girl, don’t frown on yourself. No matter how the society frown on you I will still help you by rationalizing your behaviors. In my meditation and experience in the game, I believe there are four reasons why players love to juggle women.


I believe that men (males) have a necessity to seek for adventure. In the ancient times, men find the release to this desire through warfare and conquest for discovery of new lands. However in our times, we can see how the situation had changed. We are no longer living in an era wherein war is as frequent as the earthquake in Japan. We are no longer living in an era wherein ¾ of the globe is unchartered. Despite these revolutions, the need for adventure in the experience of the male specie remains. This need for adventure and challenge I believe can be filled up by being with numerous women… the adventure of not being caught!

Survival of Genes

There’s no doubt about this one. No one will say that he want to be the last generation of his genes. The same as our instinct to self preserve, preservation of our genes through having a child is buried within the human mind. However for womanizers, they are playing the dice with so many odds in their favor. Why bet for one if you can bet for ten!

Sexual Pleasure/Sexual Variety

I don’t know for others but I believe every one of us will grow tired of tasting and eating the same food for five years. Womanizers see the world as a restaurant, a restaurant that serves all kinds of cuisines, white, dark, yellow or brown. A womanizer is not afraid to taste these different dishes. He say to himself,” Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you will die!”

A Quest for Ideal

Of all the reasons I have mentioned, I believe this is the cheesiest and the most inspired by all the chick flicks film in my room. Why not think that womanizers just have an image of a perfect someone in their head who they want to spend their life with. Someone who they will serve until their hair turn to white.  And being with every woman is a quest for finding this ‘lucky one’ hoping for every woman he’s been with will take the place of that someone in his heart. It just happened that he is the unluckiest man in the world that after 15 years of looking, the special someone still hasn’t arrived.

Of all the reasons I gave, I will bid for the last one. As I told in my past writings, I’ve been friends with many men of this kind and I know that they believe deep down in their heart that sometime in the future they will settle, to someone they will spend their life with.




About The Author
The Cool Jerks Team is a group of men helping other men to understand women.
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Anonymous said...

good one! thanks for sharing.

Rich Manila on January 8, 2010 at 6:43 AM said...

I'm glad to help man!

Cavsjames said...

Nice! keep blogging! =D

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